пятница, 28 октября 2011 г.

Writing skill questions

1. How many pages have you copied (50)? This practice is nearly forgotten in Europe and the USA. But in Asia it is widespread to copy texts of masters. It is really difficult for a person to begin writing his own texts. When you copy texts you prepare to write your own masterpieces. 
2. How many pages have you translated (50)? We usually think in Russian that's why translating from the native language into English is very important. You can translate exersises, articles, fiction. 
3. How many pages have you written yourself (50)?  Letters, chats, diary in English, essays, compositions, songs and poems. Who knows, maybe you are the next Shakespeare.
Conclusion. Hurry up to write. Write letters.

понедельник, 17 октября 2011 г.

Speaking skill questions

1.  How many pages have you read aloud? (The right answer starts with number 10).

2.  How many articles have you retold, using new words? (The right answer starts with number 30). 

3. How many chapters from books have you retold? (The right answer starts with number 50). 

Conclusion: To speak well you need to read aloud and to retell in your own words a lot of texts.

Listening skill questions

1. How many audiobooks/ audiocources have you listened to? (The right answer starts with number 10).
2. How many films in the English language with subtitles have you seen? (The right answer starts with number 5).

3. How many films in the English language without subtitles have you seen? (The right answer starts with number 50, including short episodes).

Conclusion: Listening to audiobooks, watching films without subtitles is very important for auditing.